Wednesday, December 8, 2010

dating wit cik jah n cik jina !



tepat pukul 12, aq bsama cik jina (hazrina azrin) n cik jah (faezah) dihantar oleh driver kami(bus mini) ke pavilion ( err, nama common ioi ) untuk LEPAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ! !

ssmpai je,tros g gsc beli ticket,berkobar2 ni sbb nk tgk 2 muvie ! bncg2 ngn akak kaunter tu,at last terbanglah rm 23 ku ! knape rm 23 ?? ouhh,sbbnye narnia tu dlm 3d so rm17 ragok kowtt ! ahhaha, n for 3d student card xleyh dgunakan ( what the... ) n rapunzel pulak we decide to watch it in normal way je laaa,jimat sket kannn ? heeeee. so,smntara mnnty pkol 1, cik jina lapar la pulakk,so pikir2,nye pikir last a&w yg jd pilihan..

pkol 1 , ktowunk pon msok la nk tgk narnia, kat luar,owunk tu kasi spek ! gua da xcited da ! almaklumla,frst tyme tgk 3d ! ( jakun la pulakk ! )pkol 1.30 bwu stat kowtt. bpk lama iklan2 dia..
review pasal narnia,i can say,it was ok. yeahh,ok ! what,komen lebeyh sket ?? err,i never watched narnia before,so alih tbe2 plak tgk narnia yg bru ni,so juz ok je laa.mybe untuk yg pengikut setia it was awesome ( mcm cik jina !) . the best part is pkai spek 3d tu laa. mmg pelik gler tgk ! ahahahah. air kat laut tu mcm terpercik2 je kat muka gua ! siap gua elak2 takowt kne burger mozza gua ( ahaha,tapau a&w) ! sumpahh lawakkk ! fav character??

eustace ! ahahhaah, dia sgt la kelakar ! with his snobbish character at first, last2 berubah bila da btukar jd dragon !

then pkol 3.30,the end !

eh eh, bkn balik lagy tau,sbb pkol 4.20 rapunzel tyme ! ! so smntara nk tggu tu,ktowunk g lepak2 kat daiso n popular ! tnpat wajib,even though xpnh beli ape2 ! ahahah. kat popular,cik jina n cik jah khusyuk tgk novel, gua plak g kat cd area,usha2 cd. noe whatt ????????? nmpak 2 album 2pm ! i repeat 2PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohmy ! nk beli,mne gua ade duet derrr. so,gua tpkse la mmndm hasrat suci murni gua ni dgn hanya pegang je cd tu .. nseb bek owunk xkata gua ni nk mncuri !!

rapunzel ! gua walopon aty keras,gua suka cte katun2 ni ! heyy,without cartoon, we will never grow up laaa ! fun whattt ! comment psl rapunzel,it was fun ! the version is a little bit diff dri yg pnh kita tgk dulu2. fav character, maximus !!!!!!!

sbb dia sgt lawakkKk ! even no dialogue,his facial expression da ckup bgos ! see that >??

pascal pon xleyhh blahh gakkk ! muka cam shiott je ! mcmne la leyh jd bestfren rapunzel ??ahahha

n plus rapunzel n eugene sgt2 la sweetttttttt

so,mybe u all kata aq ni cam biased je ngn cte rapunzel bbnding narnia,heyyy,nk wt cmne
i like rapunzel more !! ahahahha. so tepat pkol 6 ptg,the end !

b4 balik snggah jco's beli donut !! gua nk beli 3 je,tp akak tu ckp " beli 6 la dik,jimat sket"
gua pntang la lau ade owunk suwoh aq mcmtu,bkn nk mrh ke hape,sbb aq kompem ikut pnye ! muka dia pon cm kesian je,so beli lah 6 !! senang ! habes crite ( n hbes duit !!!) then tggu driver kami amek kat luar,( bus mini laaa). naek bus tu mmg seksa hbes ! pack mcm sardine ! boleyh plakkk driver tu soh ke belakang lagy ! mslhnye owunk yg yg kt blk skli tu gua ! gua da mcm atlet akrobatic da try mnyeimbangkan bdn ! kuang asam nye bus mini !

so,now here i am updating my blogs. yg gua tau da bsarang lama da. ahahahaha
mmg entry kali ni pnjg,mybe uolls ckp gua mmbebel,but whattt ? my blog ryte ?? suka aty laaa !
:p ahahahah

Monday, November 1, 2010

its tyme to say bye2 statistics !
thanxx a bunch coz u have faithfully stand by me this whole sem ~
really sad to actually to separate from u my dear stats !

duhhhhhhh,enough of the babbling la weyhh !
ya ampunnnn
stats la subject yg aq pling lemah skali sem ni tau x !
xtau la ape yg aq jwab td btol ke x !
tawakal je yg psty !
mcm gmba ni ~
mintak2 r aq lulus !
aq bnazar if aq lulus,aq akan bpuasa 1 ary ! (ckup kan.?)

ehhh,xleyh bebel pnjg2 !
3 hb paper ctu plak
3hb means a day after tomorrow la weyhhh !
byk agy xbce ni !

p/s : wish me luck !

Friday, October 29, 2010


Do u know how does it feel to be ALONE?? Do u think u can survive on your own..all by yourself..ALONE...For those who said YES,better think twice,guyz!!! Are u really sure about that?? The truth is,we need to communicate to each other. That's why we were given ears,voice and mind. We need to have friends. Friendship is something wonderful, beautiful but sometimes it can be AWFUL.. It can be described as the 8 wonders of the world. Only it is not some kind of building or something, It's an attachment between several people that gives them some `FLAVOURS` in their life.

Friends..What do u know about it?? Is it the people who spend times hanging around with u? Or sharing something..or may be care for u? Which is it??

I believe we all have friends. Are they really your friends or just someone that u knew? Can they trust u? Can THEY be TRUSTED? Honest..Sincere..Loyal..Can u find these things inside them? If u can,congratulations and if not..u should try harder,in fact u can always try to get it. Friends should always willing to share anything. Either good or bad,joy or pain,anytime and anywhere. That's what I call true FRIENDSHIP. But lately,u realize that your friends has turn their back on u. All of a sudden,u were left behind,u were always in disagreement and when this happen,u wondered..'why is this happening?'..'why they treat me like this?'..'what have I done wrong?'..WHY this WHY that..

Well guys,what u have to do is is get on with your life.U need to keep moving on. Don't ever turn around and wondering what had happen,you're no longer here to be in groups of people who can't SEE u. U don't have to be invisible anymore. They are not there to walk along with u. Besides,they walk even faster..leaving u behind. They won't share their gossips with u anymore..because U are their gossips!!

SAD is it? Therefore, u don't have to blame yourself. Maybe it's not your fault they've been acting like that.n maybe it is ur fault !but, Always remember that peoples changes..

Friends are



From deep of my heart :'(

Thursday, October 28, 2010

ME ----> BURFDAY !

•*¨*•♫♪HappyBirthdayto Me♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸~~

¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪~~ Happy Birthday to mE♪♫•*¨*•.¸~~¸.

•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸~~Happy Birthday¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...
Happy Birthday to mE

weehoooooooooooo !

hey,kinda 4get yg actually i have 'invented' my blog months ago !
tp lupa mao update lorhhh
so, i took this special day to rasmikan my blog !
yeahhhhh !

btw, mami n daddy sent my bday present via pos !
sgt damn teruja as soon as dpt that damn big box !
turns out
its a....

TEDDY BEAR ! ! ! !

sgt very the comeyh n besar kannn !
thanxxx a bunch mami n daddy !

hmm,xsgke im 19 olready ~

hoping that my wishes will come true !
thanxxxx to all yg wished !
heart u ollz !

Sunday, April 25, 2010

To Love From A Distance

Hoping for an opening
Waiting for a sign
Silly little heart, if only you could see
There is no chance for us to be
Still you cling on to every ounce of hope-blind to reality

Its what keeps you going
Faith beyond all knowing
For something as pure as this
Can’t be misguided bliss

There are no accidents
- “serendipity do”
Fate has brought you here
What have we to fear

To love if even from a distance
Is better than not at all
Kept inside all this time
A secret hidden from all
Never weakens, even when I try to reason and deny

Funny the hand we’re dealt
Struggle to find the meaning
Maybe they got this wrong
A secret only He knows

The wires, they were crossed
And in some bittersweet fate
I found you-
Just a little too late

Even the powers above
Couldn’t keep you from me
Meant to be
Silly little heart - you were never really free

The ups, the downs
My life turned inside out
But completely worthwhile
For as long as my heart can hold out

Where did everyone go
For I swear they were here
All is silent whenever you are near

It comes down to this

Nothing left to say

For my heart loves
What my mind cannot reason away

Sunday, February 14, 2010

kebosanan membelenggu diri


ari ni tsangat2 la bosannn..

aq dok mhadap laptop dr td..

doin nothin'..

padahal asgnment aq xsntuh agy..


another 6 days to go b4 aq balek campus balek,,n i still havent done my works yet ! ! ! !



first of all,,i would like to welcome myself

ok,,this is my first time bwt blog..

in fact i dun even know what is da reason im doing this??

tpikir gak,,buang tebiat ker aq ni?

tulis diari pon xpnh,,ni ttbe nk blogging lakk??


tp,,well u know,,mnusia msty xkn lps dri mncuba new things ryte?

so,,here i am..

haloo bloggers ! ! !

arap2 bg la tnjuk ajar pd empunya diri ini tntg selok belok blogging ni ek..

bak kata pepatah,,err,,emm,,ntah lupa r lak pepatah tu..~~~

well,,pe pon majulah diri untuk diri anda ! ! !