its tyme to say bye2 statistics !
thanxx a bunch coz u have faithfully stand by me this whole sem ~
really sad to actually to separate from u my dear stats ♥ ♥!
duhhhhhhh,enough of the babbling la weyhh !
ya ampunnnn
stats la subject yg aq pling lemah skali sem ni tau x !
xtau la ape yg aq jwab td btol ke x !
tawakal je yg psty !
mcm gmba ni ~
mintak2 r aq lulus !
aq bnazar if aq lulus,aq akan bpuasa 1 ary ! (ckup kan.?)
ehhh,xleyh bebel pnjg2 !
3 hb paper ctu plak
3hb means a day after tomorrow la weyhhh !
byk agy xbce ni !
p/s : wish me luck !